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 [No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو مشارك
عضو مشارك

عدد المساهمات : 53
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/09/2008

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: [No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP   [No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP Icon_minitimeالأربعاء سبتمبر 10, 2008 12:11 am

Ripped - Nothing
English version

The Operative: No One Lives Forever

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 551bed26d13ea441


Sometime in the 1960s, Cate Archer is the only female agent in the service of U.N.I.T.Y., a worldwide secret agency. Having been relegated to menial tasks over the years, Archer is finally given a chance to prove herself when a terrorist organization called H.A.R.M. starts to knock off active field agents. Under the qualification of "being available" as a trained agent, Cate is finally given the authority to track down and investigate these H.A.R.M. activities. In missions around the globe, Agent Archer will find herself sniping assassins, stealing documents, and doing a host of other suitably sneaky, but often deadly espionage tasks.

No Ones Lives Forever is a 1st person shooter/sneaker that focuses on remaining undetected and obtaining intelligence data. Combining elements of James Bond (including Rare's Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark), Thief and Deus Ex, Cate will need use her weaponry and gadgets to get the drop on enemy agents. Among the gadgets available are photographic sunglasses, a lockpicking barrette, Body Remover (tm) powder, a cigarette lighter which can be used for wielding, lipstick explosives and a robotic poodle (for distracting guard dogs).

Emphasizing sneakiness, the game not only gives extra points for not being seen, but also pulls tricks like alarms that cannot be shut off and guards that don't return to their docile ways once alerted to your presence. The AI does interesting things, such as knocking tables over and ducking for cover. But, at least on the lower difficulty levels, the game is willing to play with your aggressions and those who prefer shooting first and asking questions later can often gleefully blaze through the levels like a continuous action scene from a Bond flick. However while the mission will get completed, Agent Archer will relieve a lower score for taking the non-subtle approach.

The game has the feel of the 1960's all over it and it shows through the artwork and the music, which are both very much in character with the period, from the loud outfits to the beatnik rythmn in the bars. In a homage to the old 60's spy movies and series, there are plenty of surprises, shootouts, close calls, memorable villains, and over-the-top action scenes.


[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 52ba474530a96d1b
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 0b66760294126a1e




No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP C30aec7839ddf70fmed


No One Lives Forever 2 (NOLF) is the sequel to the award winning game that pitted you as a sexy spy in a sixties era.

NOLF2 once again casts you as Cate Archer, the swinging, shagadalic spy. Having foiled the evil H.A.R.M. corporation in the past, they have decided to regroup and come up with another half-brained scheme for world domination. Being the sexy spy you are, it's up to you and your clever gadgets (not to mention automatic weapons) to defeat them again, once and for all.

As in the first game, many different weapons and items are available to you, from pistols to automatic weapons, and your trusty lipstick bomb and doggy return for an all new adventure. Being a sequel, you will also have access to new weapons and gadgets, like the eye shadow that doubles as a tazer.

NOLF 2 will take you to exotic locales, such as Japan, India, and, ahem, Akron, Ohio, where you must defeat evil female ninja's in a trailer park that's being ravaged by a tornado.

You may also go online and frag or shag in deathmatch or cooperative mode, teaming up against the enemy.

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP C5c3f52f496c088a
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 6a8b6997c6777a6c
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 4f601089519f5e7a




Contract J.A.C.K.

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP A35be363d1f03649med


Contract J.A.C.K. is the official prequel to No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. The game revolves around John Jack, a contract killer under the H.A.R.M. flag. Jack is sent on a mission by H.A.R.M., whether he likes it or not, to stop an Italian crime organization. Contract J.A.C.K. lets players explore "the dark side" of the No One Lives Forever universe, using a large arsenal of weapons over 10 single player levels.


[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 913da02c414a11a4
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 3e126524d3b22782
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP Fc788923c4b8cc9b
[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 534b93840c691bb1



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عدد المساهمات : 182
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/09/2008

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: [No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP   [No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP Icon_minitimeالأربعاء سبتمبر 10, 2008 2:11 am

[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP 13915901
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[No One Lives Forever Trilogy[RIP
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