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 The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008)

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عضو مشارك

عدد المساهمات : 53
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/09/2008

The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008)   The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008) Icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 12, 2008 3:14 am

The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008) Knmjty3vl2braqzc49kd


Street Date: Sept 13, 2008
Artist: The Cure
Album: Hypnagogic States
Label: Suretone / Geffen Records
Genre: Alternative
Quality: 209 kbps avg
Playtime: 37:02 min
Size: 57.2 MB

Hypnagogic States is an EP by The Cure, set to be released on September 13, 2008. It will contain remixes of the first four singles off of the band's upcoming album, 4:13 Dream: "The Only One", "Freakshow", "Sleep When I'm Dead" and "The Perfect Boy". Existence of the EP was made public by Robert Smith via an announcement on The Cure's website on July 23, 2008. All profit generated by the release will benefit the International Red Cross. In the statement about the release made on the band's website, Robert Smith remarked that there may be more than one remix EP, due to the amount of people wishing to remix the four songs. The track listing was announced by Robert Smith on the band's website on August 8, 2008

Track List

1. The Only One (Remix By 30 Seconds To Mars) 4:25
2. Freakshow (Wolves At The Gate Remix By Jade 3:17 Puget)
3. Sleep When I'm Dead (Remix By Gerard Way And 4:03 Julien K)
4. The Perfect Boy (Remix By Patrick Stump & Pete 3:51 Wentz)
5. Exploding Head Syndrome (Single Remix By 65 21:26 Days Of Static)


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The Cure - Hypnagogic States EP (2008)
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